Tuesday, December 18, 2012


"I've abandoned my BLOG!" - Daniel Plainview circa 2012

Alright, that was bad. I've been steadily job hunting in the music industry to no avail; sending emails to black holes, skimming the edges, getting call backs, and even making it to the 2nd interviews but, ultimately, they hire from within and it's, almost always, a new position that is a combination of two jobs put into a single title for near the same pay as the previous position. Ugg. 

In happier news, wallets are awesome, the band is awesome and growing, and I got accepted into a Landscape Design program. My 2013 will go a little like this: road trip, scooter trip, work/school/sleep, work/school/band/sleep, sleep/work/band, FREE DAY, wallets, wallets/band, repeat. I'll find time to fit cat videos in there somewhere. 

Here are a few projects I'm working on for 2012/2013. Some are new additions, some have just been absent from my Etsy shop. Enjoy:

Talking Trees book, 1932
 Jello in all forms
Mmm... canned tomato juice 
 Muni Fast Pass wallets
 More love for more of California

 More Hawaii love
 Ode to traveling Luggage Tags
 Seeing Stars book, 1935
Stacks and stacks of wallets to sew.
 New packaging. 

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